TMJ massage
If you are looking for TMJ massage then you have come to the right place. If you've been suffering from headaches, a TMJ massage might be the answer. A TMJ massage helps to reduce tension and pain in your jaw muscles, which can lead to relief of headaches. Remedial Massage by Billy offers TMJ treatments for headaches and symptoms caused by a temporomandibular joint disorder. Get relief and restore happiness today.
What is Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction (TMJ)?
The TMJ works like a sliding hinge that connects the skull to the jawbone. Simply put, the TMJ is basically the jaw bone joint. These disorders can contribute a great amount of pain in the small muscles responsible for joint movement, along with the jaw joint itself.
The reason behind why someone gets TMJ is often hard to determine. The pain might be a combination of different problems, such as a jaw injury or arthritis. Some of those who have jaw pain also tend to grind their teeth or clench down when sleeping. However, there are many people who habitually clench their teeth and never go on to develop this disorder.
In the majority of cases, the discomfort and pain associated with the disorder can easily be alleviated with nonsurgical treatments and self-care. Severe disorders might have to be surgically repaired.

What causes TMJ Dysfunction?
Repetitive stresses put on the jaw, such as repeated biting
Osteoarthritis (OA) of the TMJ
Grinding teeth at night or during the day
Dental problems
Stress induced (causing repeated jaw clenching)
Trauma, such as a broken jaw or a knock to the jaw bone
Resting jaw/head on hand
What are symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction?
Jaw pain
Pain on eating or chewing
Pain yawning or opening your mouth widely
Pain radiating to the neck
Headaches or migraines
Painful click of the jaw
TMJ anatomy
The TMJ is the jaw bone joint, and you can feel it by placing your fingers just below your ear and opening
and shutting your mouth. The temporomandibular joint is one that allows a series of complex movements
that are required for eating, yawning, talking and swallowing.
There is a disc between the joint, and this acts similar to a disc in your spine – to provide cushioning and
protection to the joint, and allow movement.
When the joint becomes dysfunctional, it can cause limitations in your lifestyle and severe pain. Disorders
are quite common and those who suffer with the condition will end up seeking treatment and advice.
Understanding what you are dealing with can help you receive the appropriate treatment to overcome
your condition.
Is it normal for my jaw to click?
It is not particularly common, but it’s not abnormal either. The jaw is a mobile joint so will click and crack
a little. It is just that most people do not notice it until they get pain. If your click or crack is repeatable,
and without pain, the best thing you can do is to try not to deliberately click your jaw and forget about it.
If the click is painful, you need to seek medical attention as this is a sign of TMJ dysfunction. The problem
is that if you have pain, you then become “aware” of the click which may have been present all along, but
the patient just never noticed it.
How to treat TMJ Dysfunction?
1. Medication
Medication can help to relieve the pain commonly associated with this disorder. Some of the common medications include:
Pain relievers
Tricyclic antidepressants are often used for depression, but also work for pain relief
Muscle relaxers are often used for the first few weeks or days to help relieve pain from the disorder
Sedatives can help when night time teeth clenching if applicable
2. Therapies
Common non-pharmaceutical treatments for the disorder are:
Bite guards allow those who are suffering with pain in the jaw to benefit from this device. It is inserted over the teeth while the individual sleeps.
Physical therapy, such as remedial massage, dry needling and exercises for strengthening and stretching the jaw muscles was proven beneficial.
Counseling was shown to help better understand the behaviours aggravating the pain. Common examples include biting fingernails, leaning on the chin and clenching or grinding the teeth.
3. Injections
In certain people, corticosteroid injections have proven helpful. On rare occasions, Botox injections into the muscles that are used for chewing has helped to relieve pain commonly associated with this disorder.